
Monday 30 May 2011

Ione Rucquoi - Art to get emotional response

Hi, everyone!
Today artist is Ione Rucquoi. I think you have heard about him, since he has been recently quoted in some photograph and art magazine!
So, here it is the interview for "Who Speaks for Art?" :-)

Thursday 26 May 2011

Esther Mathis - Photography beyond the thick fog

Goodmoring dear readers!
Today interview is with a young photographer from Switzerland, now based in Milan. Enjoy it!

Monday 23 May 2011

Dean West - The Image Aesthetic Appeal

Hi Everybody, today we have an interview with Dean West, a young Australian visual artist! Hope you like it!

Monday 9 May 2011

Bridget Riley - Let's be hypnotize

Hi everyone!
It’s impossible not to remain hypnotize staring at the geometrical patterns created by the colours, rhythms, textures mix. The work seems to move and go out from the painting!