
Friday 28 May 2010

Bill Viola - Video art and human experience

From the work "Ocean without a shore"

From the work "The fall into paradise"

From the work "the veiling"

Bill Viola is a contemporary video artist, born in 1951 in the United States. He is one of the leading figures of New Media artists. He works with videos, sounds and image technology. He creates videotapes, architectural video installations, sound environments, electronic music performances and works for television broadcast. His works focus mainly on the idea behind human experiences, such as birth, death, emotions and consciousness. He was the first who mixed video art with formal perfection and modernity with Renaissance and Oriental tradition.

Bill Viola è un esponente della video art, nato  nel 1951 negli Stati Uniti.  È una delle figure principali tra gli artistic he utilizzano I New Media. Bill lavora con video, suoni, e la tecnologia delle immagini. Crea filmati, istallazioni video, suoni d’ambiente, performance di musica eletronica e lavori per la televisione. Il suo lavoro si focalizza  soprattutto sull’esperienza umana intesa come nascita, morte, emozioni e coscienza. É stat oil primo a mixare video e perfezione formale e modernità con elementi presi dal Rinascimento e dall arte orientale.

For further information see also
All the images and video posted here are Bill Viola’s works.

Links to one of his video:

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