
Friday 18 June 2010

Ed Pien - When the West meets the Orient

Today I will talk about Ed Pien, who is exhibiting at at Galerie Maurits Van De Laar, The Hague, Netherlands, together with Seekee Chung the artist I talk about on Wednesday. Ed Pien (1959), who is born in Taiwan and lives in Toronto, combines elements from western and Asian visual culture in his work. During a journey through China he discovered the cut-out drawing, especially used in clichéd images for tourists there. During a journey through China he discovered the cut-out drawing, especially used in clichéd images for tourists there. Pien took over this technique in order to creat delicate and complex representations of trees and woods, in which human figures are concealed. Recently he also covers the paper with reflecting material, causing a mysterious glitter in the image. The figures and creatures in his recent work are based on classical works in Chinese literature, such as Journey to the West and The Classics of Mountains and Seas.

Oggi vi parlerò di Ed Pien, che sta facendo una mostra alla Galerie Maurits Van De Laar, The Hague, in Olanda, con Seekee Chung, l’artista di cui vi ho parlato mercoledì. Ed Pien (1959), è nato a Taiwan e vive a Toronto, nelle sue opere combina elementi della cultura occidentale con altri della cultura visuale asiatica. Durante un viaggio in Cina ha scoperto il disegno attraverso il ritaglio, particolarmente usato nelle immagini per turisti. Pien ha preso in prestito questa tecnica per creare delicate e complesse rappresentazioni di alberi e foreste in cui si nascondono figure umane. Da poco ha iniziato a coprire la carta con un materiale riflettente, che dona all’immagine un luccichio misterioso. Recentemente le figure che appaiono nei suoi lavori sono tratte dalla letteratura cinese, come “Viaggio in Occidente” e “The Classics of Mountains and Seas”.

For further information see also .
All the images posted here are Ed Pien’s works.

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