
Wednesday 22 September 2010

Loretta Lux - Young children surreal portraits

Loretta Lux was born in Dresden, East Germany, in 1969 and is a fine art photographer known for her surreal portraits of young children. She currently lives and works in Monaco. Lux graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts in Munich in the 1990s, and debuted at the Yossi Milo gallery, New York in 2004. The show put both Yossi Milo and Loretta Lux on the map, selling out and setting prices never before seen from a new gallery. The artist executes her compositions using a combination of photography, painting and digital manipulation. Lux’s work usually features young children and she is influenced by a variety of sources. She originally trained as a painter at Munich Academy of Art, and she is influenced by painters such as Agnolo Bronzino, Diego Velázquez, Phillip Otto Runge, but also by the famous Victorian photographic portraitists of childhood such as Julia Margaret Cameron and Lewis Carroll. Loretta Lux’s works are exhibited at Carla Sozzani Gallery in Milan until 31 October. Here it is the link for who are interested (  

Loretta Lux è nata a Dresden, nella Germania dell’Est, nel 1969 ed è una fotografa conosciuta soprattutto per i suoi ritratti surreali di bambini. Oggi vive e lavora a Monaco. Lux si è laureata all’accademia di Arti Visive di Monaco nel 1990 e ha debuttato alla Yossi Milo gallery a New York nel 2004. La mostra ha lanciato sia Loretta Lux che Yossi Milo, fissando dei prezzi mai visti per una galleria nuova. La Lux crea i suoi lavori usando una combinazione di fotografia, dipinti e manipolazione digitale. Essendosi formata originariamente come prittrice le sue principali influenze sono pittori come Agnolo Bronzino, Diego Velázquez, Phillip Otto Runge, ma anche famosi fotografi ritrattisti vittoriani come Julia Margaret Cameron e Lewis Carroll. I lavori di Loretta Lux sono esposti alla Galleria Carla Sozzani a Milano fino al 31 ottobre. Ecco il link per chi fosse nei paraggi! (

For further information see also
All the images posted here are Loretta Lux’s works.


  1. amazing.really interesting representations. thank you for the post!

  2. Thank you too for the support!
