
Friday 22 October 2010

Natasha Newton - Looking for art in Nature

By The Light Of The Moon 2

Intermission 2

The Pattern Of The Earth 3


- Can you tell us something about yourself?
My name is Natasha Newton and I'm a full-time artist and illustrator from the UK. I also sell my artwork under the name The Blackbird Sings (, and I divide my time between my home county of Suffolk, on the East coast of England, and Paris, France, where my boyfriend Leon lives.

- When did you discover your passion for art?
It's always been there! Ever since I was old enough to hold a wax crayon, I've been drawing pictures. My mum still has some of the pieces I made when I was very young.

- How do you create your works?
I start with a general idea and usually make a very quick sketch or try out a few variations in my sketchbook. Sometimes I'll just draw directly onto the canvas, paper, or wood panel. Then I'll work in my favorite medium, acrylic paint, working from dark to light in several thin layers. I sometimes use texture in certain parts of my work. I also like to work on detailed little illustrations in black ink on paper.

- What are your main sources of inspirations?
My main source of inspiration is nature. I love birds and trees, walking through the forest or fields, watching the changing seasons and light. I love clouds and raindrops and I'm particularly attracted to the Autumn and Winter seasons. I'm also inspired by books (I collect art and design books and unusual childrens story books), music, films, other artists...the list is endless!

- Ci puoi raccontare qualcosa su di te?
Mi chiamo Natasha Newton e sono un illustratrice e artista inglese. Vendo anche I miei lavori sotto il nome di The Blackbird Sings ( ), sulla costa est inglese, a Parigi, dove vive il mio ragazzo Leon.

- Quando hai scoperto la tua passione per l’arte?
C’è sempre stata! Da quando ero abbastanza grande per tenere un pastello in mano ho iniziato a disegnare. Mia mamma conserva ancora disegni che ho fatto da bambina.

- Come crei I tuo lavori?
Parto con un’idea generale e faccio uno schizzo veloce o provo alcune variazioni dal mio libro degli schizzi. Altre volte invece, disegno direttamente sulla tela, sulla carta o sui pannelli di legno. Dopo di che inizio a lavorare con il mio mezzo preferito, il colore acrilico, cominciando dai colori più scuri fino ad arrivare a quelli più chiari con strati sottili. Certe volte uso trame per I miei lavori. Mi piace anche lavorare su piccole illustrazioni con inchiostro nero su carta.

- Quali sono le tue principali fonti d’ispirazione?
La prima è la natura. Amo gli uccelli e gli alberi, camminare attraverso il bosco e I campi, osservare le stagioni che cambiano e le luci. Amo le nuvole e le gocce di pioggia, e sono attratta in modo particolare dall’autunno e dall’inverno. Sono anche ispirata dai libri (colleziono libri d’arte e di design e inutili libri di storie per bambini ), musica, film, altri artisti, la lista non ha fine.

For further information see also
All the images posted here are Natasha Newton’s works.

Bringing The Trees Into Existence 4

Dark Forest

Try To Sing Your Own Song


  1. Lovely interview. It's always a plus to learn about the artist behind the work and Natasha seems as sweet as her paintings are wonderful! As an American living in France, I just want to ask Natasha if she speaks French.

  2. Thank you. I think the same about knowing the artist behind the work, it is a way to better appreciate it! I can ask it to Natasha, yes, she is really kind person!

  3. Thank you so much BlueTerracotta & Braulio for your kind words! I'm very touched. :)

    As for speaking French - well, so far I have only spent a total of five and a half weeks there (I'm going back soon though, for another month or so), so I'm not able to speak French very well at the moment! I managed to pick up a little though, and I can now understand written French much better than I could. I'm still having a problem with spoken French though! I guess it takes time...

    Natasha x
