
Monday 17 May 2010

Oleksandr Hnatenko - Surreal moment in photography

Maybe you know him from Deviant Art as “gnato”, but his real name is Oleksandr Hnatenko, that’s why OH! Photography. Oleksandr was born in Zolochiv, Ukraine, in August 27th 1986. Now, he lives and works in Vienna, Austria. 
 Getting his first camera at the age of 8 he tried to take photos at his uncle’s wedding. After taking the pictures he realised that there was no film in the camera. That’s his first approach with photography. 
 After years, He tried taking pictures again. Oleksandr, through his photography is looking for reality, but do this in his own way. Lots of things come across during his search, some are simple, some old, some new, some that are eye-catching, in colour or in monochrome, visible things and some hidden from view, some things with sense and some without.
 Surreal moments are born out of this. They exist in the imagination of Oleksandr Hnatenko and they take form in his photos.
Forse lo conoscete da Deviant Art come “gnato”, ma il suo vero nome è Oleksandr Hnatenko, da qui il nome OH! Photography. Oleksandr nasce a Zolochiv, in Ucraina, il 27 agosto del 1986. Oggi lavora e vive a Vienna. Ebbe la sua prima macchina fotografica all’età di otto anni e cercò di scattare foto al matrimonio dello zio, ma alla fine della cerimonia si accorse di non aver messo il rullino nella macchina fotografica. Oleksandr, attraverso la fotografia, guarda la realtà, ma lo fa a modo suo. Durante la sua ricerca ha incontrato molte cose, alcune semplici, altre vecchie, altre nuove, altre che attirano l’attenzione per I colori, cose visibili e cose nascoste. Da ciò sono nati momenti surreali che esistono prima nell’immaginazione dell’artistta e che prendono forma nelle sue opere.

For further information see also and .
All the works posted here are from Oleksandr Hnatenko.

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