
Friday 14 May 2010

Tim Bavington - Music and vertical bands

Hi, today’s artist attracts my attention because in his paintings he strickly link the visual result with music. Tim Bavington was born in England in 1966, but he lives in Las Vegas, where he moved to finish his studies.
Music is the main inspiration of Tim Bavington's paintings. Through aerosol paint, Bavington acts as a translator between the aural and the visual as he transforms guitar solos, melodies and bass lines into vertical bands of color. Tracks from bands such as The Darkness, Oasis and The Rolling Stones become vibrant bands of color. Although Bavington has a method that designates sound to color and composition, the paintings are not literal translations; they remain open to intuition and decision-making, allowing for a distinct artistic presence.

Ciao! L’artista di oggi ha attirato la mia attenzione perchè nelle sue opere ha unito in modo molto stretto la musica con il risultato finale. Tim Bavington nato in Inghileterra nel 1966, oggi vive a Las Vegas, dove si è spostato per completare I suoi studi.
La musica è la principale fonte d’ispirazione dei dipinti di Tim Bavington. Con l’aiuto di bombolette spray, Bavington si muove come un traduttore tra le melodie e i suoi dipinti, trasformando assoli di ghitarra, melodie e linee di basso, in bande verticali di colori. Pezzi dei The Darkness, Oasis e The Rolling Stones sono diventate vibranti striscie colorate. Sebbene Bavington ha un metodo per cui trasforma i suoni in dipinti, le su opere non sono traduzioni letterali, ma rimangono aperti all’intuizione lasciando spazio alla presenza artistica di Bavington.

For further information see also


  1. This is sooooo beautiful. I love colourful strokes very much, thank you for learning to me about this artist.

  2. :) you're welcome! I love them too, and the idea that he makes them following a song it's a great idea!
