
Sunday 19 June 2011

Alex and Felix - POINTS OF VIEW. The (r)evolution of a Swiss duo Exhibition

Hi Everyone! 
Today interview is with Alex Gertchen and Felix Meier, who are the two Swiss photographers behind the artists duo Alex and Felix. Their works are very surreal and involving thanks to the images background that the two artists use to truly create before taking the shot. Until 10/07 it is possible to see their exhibition at Acquestarte Gallery (

- Can you tell us something curious about yourself?

We are artists....Our half life is curious.

- You have inaugurated the exhibition "Point of Views". How is born the idea behind these woman portraits?  

"Point of Views" is the mean title of the exhibition, but "Under Construction" is the title of our brand-new series. We show these pictures the first time on this exhibition. There are also to see all "13 queens" images, and a few older pictures.
Our brand-new seriesUnder Construction” is the conceptual continuation of our previous work „13 Queens“. The kind of tourist attraction where you look through a view finder to become an astronaut or captain was the starting point.  At the center, man creating his personal universe positioning himself at its core. Our characters do not become captains; they are rather a reflection of their own perpetually changing mental constructs.  In a world that values personal responsibility, every wish seems only to require the will to make it reality.  Man is not just the guard of his own fortune but even its creator. Everybody is looking for a unique perspective, a personal angle, the frame and depth. You give yourself and your surrounding meaning and direction, you arrange views, attitudes and you structure what you see according to your own parameters. You create magnificence and monstrosity to be surely misunderstood by other creatures that have their own differing perspectives and viewpoints.
“Under Construction” consists of 6 pictures. Its aim is neither to criticize nor to moralise, but careful observation is encouraged to develop one’s very own personal stories in the worlds created.
A look at the world.

- You use to manually create the background and the scene, without using computer reproduction. How long do you take this reproduction work? What is the main difficulty to create the scene? 

For the "Under Construction" series we used more or less 2 weeks for the preparation of the scene. Without searching the objects. The most difficult picture is mostly the first of a new series, because we have to create a new visual language. After that we have only to fight against artist discipline... 

- What is your next project about?

We are at this moment thinking about the new series that means we are talking a lot together. So, we self are very curious on which planet we will land!

For further information see also
All the images posted here are works from the "Under Construction" and "13 Queens" series by Alex and Felix.


  1. Cara Giulia,
    ho visitato il tuo blog per caso ma credo proprio che mi fermerò qui per un bel po' di tempo...
    A presto.

  2. Ti ringrazio ! Sei molto gentile ! Mi fa piacere che trovi interessante il blog! :-)
    A presto
