
Monday 27 June 2011

Katherine Squier - Catching everyday life moments with camera

Hello! Finally, summer is arrived! J
The first summer interview is with the young photographer, Katherine Squier, born in Austin, Texas, in 1988.I like her photos, I think she is able to catch intimate life moment in a very spontaneous way. Enjoy the interview and good summer to all of you!

 -     Can you tell us something about yourself?
I am a twin, I often make silly faces and I've been taking photos for about three years. I graduated last year with a degree in psychology and I am currently trying to figure out what I want to do with my life!

-       What is a good shot for you?'s hard to define this, but I guess I would say the shots I love the most are ones that just feel (visually) naturally beautiful and that elicit some type of feeling or emotional response that the viewer can relate to.

-       What camera do you use?
For a long time I have used a Yashica t4 and I still do, but recently I got a Contax T3 so I will be using that more too.

-       What are your favourite artists?
This is hard, always. There are a lot of photo contacts on flickr whose work I really, really enjoy, and really there are too many to list. As far as classics, my all-time favorite photographer is William Eggleston, and if we're talking artists in general, I would say Michelangelo Buonarroti. I'm currently reading a book about him and was fortunate enough to visit Italy in the past year and see some of his work. 

-       What is your next project about?
I'm wondering the same thing! We will see... :)

All the images posted here are Katherine Squier’s works.
For further information see also  

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